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Year 133 Pitching Losers (before games of day 3-6)

Run Average
1.G Duaney (APX)9.04
2.H Unlikely (CAM)8.75
3.J Quick (LPM)8.28
4.S Johnson (LPM)8.14
5.C Keef (LPM)7.92
6.J d'Oisy (APX)7.73
7.The Internal One (ARK)7.44
8.GG Coriolis (LIS)7.19
9.The Nameless Mist (ARK)6.84
10.D Gloucester (STR)6.53
Win-Loss %
1.H Unlikely (CAM)0.000 (14)
C Keef (LPM)0.000 (11)
3.G Duaney (APX)0.083
4.S Johnson (LPM)0.091
J d'Oisy (APX)0.091
6.The Nameless Mist (ARK)0.200
7.The Internal One (ARK)0.222
8.God of Time (ARK)0.231
9.5 with0.333
Win Probability Added
1.H Unlikely (CAM)-4.497
2.G Duaney (APX)-3.099
3.C Keef (LPM)-2.953
4.The Internal One (ARK)-2.873
5.S Johnson (LPM)-2.657
6.The Nameless Mist (ARK)-2.532
7.J Quick (LPM)-2.135
8.J d'Oisy (APX)-1.814
9.GG Coriolis (LIS)-1.729
10.Kawashima E (KRA)-1.456
Loss Shares
1.H Unlikely (CAM)5.94
2.G Duaney (APX)5.53
3.S Johnson (LPM)5.52
4.J Quick (LPM)5.44
5.J d'Oisy (APX)5.42
6.C Keef (LPM)5.26
7.P Winkle (CAM)4.75
8.The Internal One (ARK)4.67
9.GG Coriolis (LIS)4.52
10.D Gloucester (STR)4.32
Support-Neutral Losses
1.H Unlikely (CAM)11.58
2.S Johnson (LPM)8.88
3.G Duaney (APX)8.73
4.C Keef (LPM)8.19
5.J de Herrera (APX)8.00
6.GG Coriolis (LIS)7.62
7.God of Time (ARK)6.89
8.J Quick (LPM)6.75
9.The Nameless Mist (ARK)6.57
J d'Oisy (APX)6.57
Support-Neutral Value Added
1.H Unlikely (CAM)-4.52
2.G Duaney (APX)-3.08
3.S Johnson (LPM)-2.82
4.C Keef (LPM)-2.64
5.The Internal One (ARK)-2.46
6.J Quick (LPM)-2.12
The Nameless Mist (ARK)-2.12
8.GG Coriolis (LIS)-1.99
9.J d'Oisy (APX)-1.45
10.D Gloucester (STR)-1.42
Pitching Runs Above Avg
1.H Unlikely (CAM)-30.3
2.C Keef (LPM)-29.3
3.J Quick (LPM)-28.4
4.G Duaney (APX)-28.0
5.The Internal One (ARK)-24.2
6.S Johnson (LPM)-23.2
7.J d'Oisy (APX)-23.0
8.GG Coriolis (LIS)-19.3
9.D Gloucester (STR)-13.6
10.P Winkle (CAM)-13.3
1.G Duaney (APX)2.21
2.J Quick (LPM)2.17
3.J d'Oisy (APX)2.09
4.S Johnson (LPM)2.06
5.C Keef (LPM)1.92
6.GG Coriolis (LIS)1.86
7.H Unlikely (CAM)1.85
8.D Gloucester (STR)1.83
9.The Internal One (ARK)1.76
10.2 with1.72
Hits per 9 IP
1.J Quick (LPM)15.60
2.G Duaney (APX)14.91
3.S Johnson (LPM)14.39
4.J d'Oisy (APX)13.95
5.C Keef (LPM)13.60
6.The Nameless Mist (ARK)12.24
7.GG Coriolis (LIS)12.01
8.H Unlikely (CAM)11.62
9.D Gloucester (STR)11.07
10.G Bol (MIL)11.04
Walks per 9 IP
1.LB James (BAL)5.95
2.God of Time (ARK)5.91
3.D Gloucester (STR)5.42
4.The Internal One (ARK)5.28
5.H Unlikely (CAM)4.99
6.G Duaney (APX)4.97
7.J d'Oisy (APX)4.82
8.GG Coriolis (LIS)4.72
9.Alisson (KRA)4.68
10.Lucentio (STR)4.42
Strikeouts per 9 IP
1.Leo VIII (VAT)2.04
2.P Winkle (CAM)2.22
3.Skip Intro (INT)2.38
4.G Wormtongue (MTG)3.15
5.J de Herrera (APX)3.28
6.G Duaney (APX)3.84
7.D Gloucester (STR)3.87
8.S Earley (CAM)3.90
9.C Keef (LPM)4.26
10.L Carter (MIL)4.33
OPS Against
1.J Quick (LPM)1.016
2.G Duaney (APX)1.014
3.C Keef (LPM)1.005
4.S Johnson (LPM)0.989
5.H Unlikely (CAM)0.966
6.J d'Oisy (APX)0.948
7.The Internal One (ARK)0.943
8.GG Coriolis (LIS)0.911
9.The Nameless Mist (ARK)0.908
10.D Gloucester (STR)0.885
Line Drives per 9 IP
1.J Quick (LPM)13.20
2.S Johnson (LPM)10.26
3.J d'Oisy (APX)9.94
4.C Keef (LPM)8.63
5.G Duaney (APX)8.59
6.GG Coriolis (LIS)8.32
7.K Durant (BAL)7.90
8.P Winkle (CAM)6.66
9.The Nameless Mist (ARK)6.60
10.Chris Ray Gun (INT)6.51
Runs Allowed
1.H Unlikely (CAM)107
2.G Duaney (APX)80
3.C Keef (LPM)78
4.J d'Oisy (APX)77
5.S Johnson (LPM)73
J de Herrera (APX)73
7.GG Coriolis (LIS)70
8.J Quick (LPM)69
9.The Internal One (ARK)62
10.S Earley (CAM)60
Hits Allowed
1.J de Herrera (APX)168
2.H Unlikely (CAM)142
3.J d'Oisy (APX)139
4.C Keef (LPM)134
5.G Duaney (APX)132
6.J Quick (LPM)130
7.S Johnson (LPM)129
8.K Durant (BAL)126
9.DH Peligro (MCA)123
10.GG Coriolis (LIS)117
1.God of Time (ARK)67
2.H Unlikely (CAM)61
3.LB James (BAL)52
4.S Earley (CAM)50
PhilosophyTube (INT)50
6.D Gloucester (STR)49
7.J d'Oisy (APX)48
8.GG Coriolis (LIS)46
9.The Internal One (ARK)44
G Duaney (APX)44
Line Drives Allowed
1.J Quick (LPM)110
2.J d'Oisy (APX)99
3.K Durant (BAL)93
4.S Johnson (LPM)92
5.C Keef (LPM)85
6.GG Coriolis (LIS)81
7.G Duaney (APX)76
8.P Winkle (CAM)75
9.DH Peligro (MCA)72
10.H Unlikely (CAM)64
HR Allowed
1.H Unlikely (CAM)30
2.J de Herrera (APX)28
3.L Carter (MIL)22
4.J Eno (SEA)21
5.C Keef (LPM)20
6.S Gardner (LAL)18
AJK ben Ishak (PAD)18
G Duaney (APX)18
9.3 with17
1.H Unlikely (CAM)14
2.G Duaney (APX)11
C Keef (LPM)11
4.S Johnson (LPM)10
God of Time (ARK)10
J d'Oisy (APX)10
7.J de Herrera (APX)9
8.S Earley (CAM)8
The Nameless Mist (ARK)8
10.3 with7
Blown Saves
1.D Windsor (MIL)5
2.T McGrady (BAL)4
So Lennon (LAL)4
M Canterbury (APX)4
F Gibbs (CPT)4
6.9 with3
Strikeout/Walk Ratio
1.Leo VIII (VAT)0.68
2.D Gloucester (STR)0.71
3.P Winkle (CAM)0.74
4.G Duaney (APX)0.77
5.S Earley (CAM)0.94
6.God of Time (ARK)1.00
7.H Unlikely (CAM)1.13
8.Lucentio (STR)1.14
G Wormtongue (MTG)1.14
10.C Keef (LPM)1.17
HR per 9 IP
1.H Unlikely (CAM)2.45
2.G Duaney (APX)2.03
C Keef (LPM)2.03
4.S Gardner (LAL)2.01
5.L Carter (MIL)1.99
6.The Internal One (ARK)1.92
7.Grumio (STR)1.80
8.Lucentio (STR)1.79
9.Xitalu (LAL)1.76
10.2 with1.73
Reliever %
1.M Canterbury (APX)0.636
2.A Walsingham (APX)0.667
TJ Oshie (LPM)0.667
4.D Windsor (MIL)0.688
5.F Gibbs (CPT)0.692
6.G Amalasan (WOT)0.700
Karlach (MTG)0.700
8.T McGrady (BAL)0.733
So Lennon (LAL)0.733
10.3 with0.750

Minimum 1.5 innings pitched per team game needed to qualify for rate stats
Italics = adjusted stats for unqualified players

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